Create a Record

Learn how to add Records

On this page you will learn how to add Records to a Table and edit them afterwards.

Create record
Create Record button

Click the button + Row as indicated above to create a new Record. You can also press the key Insert .

Create Record Dialog
Create Record dialog

A dialog will appear where you can input the information.

The auto checkbox is a default setting that automatically creates a unique ID whenever you create a new Record. If you want to set the ID manually, uncheck the box.

The show hidden fields link appears on the dialog when there are Columns hidden in the grid. If you want to fill up the hidden Columns as well, just click on the link.

After fill out the fields, click the Save button or press the Enter key.

Tip: To put the new Record on the top of Table, sort the ID Column (first column) in descending order.

Tip: If the new Record does not show up, check the Search and Filter settings.